Thursday, December 07, 2006

Hello free time

All is done. Fall quarter ended about 24 hours ago for me and it's painful to watch everyone still struggle about because at this point, you kind of see resignation in their eyes. Some determination, but more so, that want for finals to just end. So I suppose it doesn't help that the moment I was done, I pranced. I freaking pranced and danced and twirled to show how happy I was.

But now I don't know what to do with my free time? Oh woe is me. How I am fortune's fool. Perhaps I'll catch a sunbeam or two before being whisked away to the arctic east. Temptations abound to just do nothing, but I now remember one temptation these past days as I sat huddled by my desk looking over obscure facts on German medicine and Prussian wars: how nice it would be to just chain smoke the hours away.

Instead I crocheted and did crossword puzzles to make me feel smart. Free time shouldn't exist. It should only happen when we're pressed for time because that's when all the fun starts.

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