Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Initial D and the Big C

The Boy taught me have to drive stick this afternoon, which could have been a recipe for disaster but everyone had their seat belt out and the engine didn't burst into flames. Win-win for all. Driving stick is a lot harder than I thought. I mean, don't you just hit the clutch when you change gear and call it a day? Apparently not. It's almost an art form of its own. So onward to Lesson Two tomorrow, where I'll still be working on first gear.

I also soooooooo geeked out at Comic Con last Saturday. I was elated to be within the same ten square feet as Joss Whedon. Although a certain part of me regrets not bum-rushing him just to declare my adoration. Oh well. Next time. And then squealing in excitement when I saw one of my favorite Korean comic distributors. Oh, hearing Ray Bradbury speak? Dream of my fourteen year self come true. I spent my early teens reading his works that I dreamt of tattooed men and merry go round that played procession marches. I also fell asleep during his lecture, but I think that's just an instinctive reaction from UCSD. Such a fan girl at heart.

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