Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mental Preparation

On my desk is a copy of Chungking Express, Snakes on a Plane, and the Devil Wears Prada. I've been able to watch the last two movies without any hesitation--well, a bit on the Prada one--because they're mindless movies to me. I sat through them with little expectations because they seemed like acceptable B-movies to me. But Chungking Express? I fear even touching the DVD cover because I have no idea what the movie has in store for me and I don't know if I will be able to walk away from that movie feeling complete. I've read reviews and critiques, so it's all mental preparation to accept what might be a wonderfully bittersweet movie. This will be a week of Wong Kar-Wai films (In the Mood for Love, 2046) and I'm actually praying that my psyche will be intact come next Monday.

Tony Leung, this movie is riding on you and your pineapple eating skills. You are also the only Asian man I'm willing to pounce (aside from Eiji Wentz and Jun Matsumoto, but that's a whole different fan girl story.) Chungking Express, please don't break my heart.

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