Spring break marks my return to San Francisco for the first time four years and I'm looking forward to it. For one thing, finals will be over; for another, I might get to see a few folks I haven't seen in oh-so long. Plus, it's a whole week of me pestering the Boyfriend Guy. Awesome. I'm just wondering what we're going to do there, because SF isn't a city I'm familiar with but hey, maybe we'll just wander 'round the town and amuse ourselves like that.
The last time I was in SF, it was for a debate tournament, and oddly enough, the one distinct thing I remember is Steps of Rome. Oh, and the gay waiters. In retrospect, they weren't *that* Italian. Other fonds memories--or not so fond--included Pier 39 where a seagull attacked me, the introduction of
Choco, and the lynching of Jimmy.
You also shouldn't be surprised that I've been composing a soundtrack for the drive up the coast and I'm tossing in as many loud and lush songs as possible. Because what else will distract us from the wasteland that lies between
Los Angeles and San Francisco? And no, playing the "Let's see how many people are picking their nose in their car" game does not count as a distraction because after a while, it's just gross.