Sunday, May 20, 2007


It came and went. Di did a great job and I was surprised whenever she took on the bitch persona and started kicking folks out of the VIP section. Hardcore. Concert was fun. I was happy. I wasn't happy being trapped in the constant surges of the crowd as they attempted to rush the barricades. Not cool at all. I think at one point, I wondered if I just did a tiny little hop as they rushed forward, would I just be carried along with the tide of legs and arms? Pinned between shoulders and back, I probably wouldn't even need to stand. But my sensibility kicked in and that idea was kicked out. Third Eye Blind played. Hello, Middle School, how wonderful of you to visit. Nostalgia, indeed.

The day itself was okay. Class and work while my roommates were getting obliterated. My French roommate walked around with the word "Penis" on her arm for about half the day. The Japanese one trampled around the grounds with her lovely Asian glow. The Irish/Chilean one stormed the campus with pen and notepad in hand as she was kicking ass and taking names of the drunk ones. And I awaited for my friends to show up, and I didn't expect to let one pass out on my bed, but hey, Sungod is the harbinger of surprises and vomit. Luckily, the latter did not happen so all was right in the world.

Though the most wonderful and terrible part of the weekend was seeing old friends that graduated the year prior. Great to see them. Terrible to know that after graduation, you're by yourself with no safety net to fall back on. Friendships don't come as easily in the working world, especially when your co-workers are a decade older than you. And then some.

1 month to go. It's time to milk this bitch dry for all the stories to tell in future times before I find myself swimming the vast sea of unemployment without land in sight or a buoy to cling to. Times like this, I wish I were more of a gold digger so that I can ambitiously clamour for that walking dollar sign instead of feeling guilty.

Yet I'm so over everything this place has to over. Let's just be vagabonds and roam the world as ocean pirates. International waters and all the shark fin soup you can have. It'll be fun. I promise.

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