Tuesday, October 02, 2007

And now we know

In retrospect, perhaps playing around with my mom's birth control all those years ago was not a good idea. Then again, I was of a wee age and thought they were Pez candy. Hmmm. Retro-justification? I'll take it. The thought just occurred to me though as I was surfing health organization, in hopes of finding job vacancies.

I saw Across the Universe Sunday afternoon and left in awe. Not of the character development or story plot line (all of which was severely lacking), but at the visual and audio acid trip that movie took you on. I had high expectations for the film, which weren't met, because seriously, who comes back from a war so well-adjusted? I may not be an expect on the facts and figures of war veterans but I would have to say that those who aren't traumatized in some form are far and few between. Nonetheless, I had no idea that Joe Anderson was British until I read his biography. So kudos to his accent coach. The movie was filled to the brim with hit or miss covers, the good ones were really good and the bad ones felt shoved in with the excuse that it's a Beatles film. All in all, Jim Sturgess, I love you but you're not Ewan McGregor from Moulin Rouge. And Evan Rachael Woods, stop giving me those stupid tortured looks with your piercing eyes. I get it, Rich Girl with a Conscience.

That said, I've had different Beatles songs running through my head all day long and most likely for the next few days.

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