I'm so excited for the vice presidential debates that I think I'm giddy. Thrice Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee vs some person whose Fox News believe is qualified on foreign policy because her state is near Russia? Six term senator vs a governor whose barely completing her second year? I feel like the Republican team isn't even trying at this point with her nomination. Sarah Palin better have a major ace up her sleeve and it better not be the fact that she's a woman. I wonder if she's been cramming information for the debates like a college kid right before finals? This will be fun.
Also, has it come to the point where anyone can run for state governor and win? It doesn't even seem like a position of much status. California bit it in the ass when Arnold got elected, after Gary Coleman and some porn star tried for it. Jerry Springer attempted Ohio, and lovely Minnesota had the honor of Jesse Ventura.
We might as well throw all of our names into a giant top hat and pick from there. It'd the same outcome. And if you're lucky, you might even get picked by the Republican party to be VP, or maybe one of those unknown Secretaries, like Labor or Agriculture.
Screw top hat--I say Goblet of Fire! We can put our names into the Goblet and then it will magically choose Harry Potter to be the next governor of whatever state. It will be awesome. Then, when I ask: Shine yeh shoes gov'nah? (in my bests cockney accent) It will make sort of sense...
you know, i might be more qualified to run for VP than sarah palin. by the time i'll be allowed to run, i'll have a grad degree and a BA from an accredited university and an understanding of IR. what does she have on me? maybe a better rack...
di lam, you can always buy a better rack. so i don't think that counts as one up on you.
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